





Marsha Burks Megehee


Vietnam was a government dance

And when the music died.

Truth sat in a tiger cage,

Those who knew...just lied.


Secret shame of two worlds,

Both afraid to set them free.

Did we bring them home in secret?

What secrets could there be?


The amputees...men held in caves?

War's cripples and the blind?

Abandoned soldiers of the lost?

Did we leave them all behind?


Did you see them cross the tarmac?

That blessed Homecoming Day?

Did you see the weak ones stumble

As our country bowed to pray?


Did you  hear the screaming

Of the ones who lost their minds?

On the racks...in the snake pits

The Viet Cong had designed?


Can you explain the absence

When their brothers were set free?

Of hopeless beaten faces

Denied their liberty?


Did you notice someone missing?

As your country beamed with  joy?

Perhaps it was your neighbor's son

Still imprisoned in Hanoi?


Did you see the tear stained faces?

Did you hear when Nixon lied?

Homecoming was a government dance

And then....the music died!



Marsha Burks Megehee



This site was last updated 05/18/03