




Last Cry For Freedom

Marsha Burks Megehee

It was the last cry for freedom
A sound nobody heard
Beneath a canopy of green
A soldier's final, whispered word

It was the last cry for freedom
A lonely captive's final prayer
Again the sound was silenced
Because America didn't care

It was the last cry for freedom
Too weak to be a shout
Muffled by the jungle sounds
"Why didn't you get me out?"

It was the last cry for freedom
From a barren mountain cave
In a forbidden zone in Laos
Unheard in the "Land of the Brave"

It was the last cry for freedom
From Vietnam's buried cells
Our politicians only heard
The sound of lies, rehearsed too well

It is their last cry for freedom
Please listen, hear their cries!
Abandoned American Heroes
In bondage of silence and lies.

It is their last cry for FREEDOM!



This site was last updated 01/12/03