Marsha Burks Megehee |
I stood at THE
WALL at midnight
Old Glory waved, not a sound was heard
At the base of the altar of granite
On paper, small hands had drawn a bird
In crayon blue,
with third grade care
For all the world to see
From the honest heart of a child
I was ashamed, of me
Through tears I read the message there
"Please, POW, don't you die
When I am big I'll get you home
Love Jason, Please don't cry.
"And a little child shall lead
Came rushing through my head
A letter signed "Love Susan"
Held great big hearts in red.

Tommy drew four
stick men
Waving through black bars
Johnny drew a space ship
Escaping a jungle, through gold stars.
April drew a
rescue plane
Then wrote "Oh please get free".
Bobby's gift was a finger-smudged
Statue of Liberty
looked and there were hundreds
Placed close against THE WALL
Letters to our missing ones
In crayoned child-like scrawl
As I turned and walked the
I marveled at the sight
Hundreds of tiny activists
Left hope, at THE WALL that night.
"Kids at Wall" graphic
created by
inspired by request from Marsha and her webmaster.
Copyright© 2000, Marsha Burks Megehee, not for public use; all rights
reserved. |